Monday, March 28, 2011

Beautiful Bar Stools (yes, they're green)

The Foundary is a website that emails you deals on products that only last for a certain amount of time.  I'm usually a little skeptical about this type of site, but I figured it didn't hurt to sign up since it is free.  We are still looking for several pieces to complete our home so I thought maybe I'd find a good deal... and I did!  I found some awesome GREEN bar stools.  They are mod looking have a green cushion and chrome base.  I couldn't wait for them to come in to post about it, so I don't have any pictures, but I promise to post some as soon as they come in.

The site doesn't only have furniture, it has lots of different products.  I found a diaper bag I really liked (I was going to get for a friend, not for me... don't get excited), but I didn't act fast enough and it sold out.  You can sign-up for this site here.  It's free to join and they really do have pretty good deals on some interesting products.  I recommend you give The Foundary a try!  Let me know if you find anything great!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the great post …I was looking for something like this…

